A Dream of Truth
Old Lady Truth
is no longer comely to those afraid of her or hiding from her
and trying to hide benind flimsy greasy paper...to let in the filtered light.
Old lady truth gets up in your face and stands over you until
your chair flips over backward from the table and she snatches
away the flimsy greasy paper you
tried to briefly hide behind
Lady truth was once sought after
and thought the beautiful, if hard ideal
Now she has become to the masses, the insistent old
crone nagging and screaming in our faces to those who are afraid of her...and they run away, and the truth becomes a robe of a lie growing more and more horrifying that their minds think is worse and worse then it really is...and this harpie shadow robe of rags clothes truth disguising her and keeps her (Truth) from coming in,
But to those who pursue her to rip off the rags of the harpy shreaking in their faces and are still afraid she reveals herself gently or bluntly but she does not kill, plain or horrifying but beautiful in the end.
Even through the once known fear. And we rejoice in the end in the full light of again of Truth.
copyright 2005 Andrea Hollander.