When Life Hands you Screws
who needs lemons and lemonade. When life hands you screws you better hope you have a screwdriver. When people open their mouths and say things that they probably oughn't (I'm not disincluded from this) to other people that shouldn't know certain things hearts can get screwed. Tis a lonely proposition not caring what others think. But twice I was told that tonight by two different people in two different states that I shouldn't care what people think so much. Times like these make me want to go be completely isolated from the rest of humanity....for the rest of my life, or do I care. if you pray for me pray against bitterness toward people, and fear of what others will think, and the courage to bloom where I am planted.
As the bible says, "I am pressed but not crushed persecuted but not abandoned struck down but not destroyed, I am blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure. His joy is going to be my strength. And though the sorrow may last for the night, HIS JOY COMES WITH THE MORNING." Amen
And Amen.
love you, sis
You are the victor!
To the victor the spoils!
So spoil yourself!
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