Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Shout for joy (I didn't say happiness) in your pain

Like one of the Foreign Frog's clumsy China days ( I also of -them-days, days. Those days where you don't feel like you fit anywhere on earth. You are not only the square peg in the round hole but you are a shape not even defined in the annals of non-Euclidean geometry . God knows my shape. He made it. I suppose then he can define and refine it. But how come it seems,at times, it just doesn't fit into any niche on this earth. Not in my clothes, my job, my relationships, my family or myself. At other times it doesn't seem as if I could fit any better. Why does life have to be so fickle and sometimes so miserable? Why do humans have to misunderstand one another and think before speaking or acting. Why anything? I suppose a good as answer as any is "Because life is"
Because life is what? It is what it is. It is messy ,sloppy, and with no guaranteed results in this lifetime on earth; often exceptionally obstreporous as well as wonderful. As someone said on tv I think the other day that "I said the answer was simple...not easy" Rather. Hats off to whoever thought of that gem and it's very clear truth. There is a Zulu word, from a song I heard and have been listening to over and over. That word is Zanele (za-nay-lay). It means 'enough' as in "He is enough" or "My grace is sufficient (or enough) for thee" <2> That also happens to be the name of the song. The Soweto Gospel Choir sings it joyfully and victoriously along with the caller and drums. It is a forceful and soaring song, that cuts through lethargy and makes you want to get up and dance. I heard it this morning as I drove at sunrise around 7:30 am I played it over and over and imagined myself dancing with the choir during an African sunrise as we sang together. Nice picture. A joyful picture. I still don't know where I fit except in His heart. I have barbs and rough spots all over my shape that just don't seem to fit anywhere else perfectly. Even then the shape isn't that easy to always bear. What can I do though, except dance His Zanele and shout for joy, as a woman who is in labor ...the shout is of both pain and joy...even if I don't feel it all the time?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

spring fever

The bronchitis has come and gone. Praise God. Now a new malady has struck. One common to many people stuck in snowbound hellish Midwest and Eastern winterscapes. But even worse in is spring fever. Now, Indiana weather is, at best, quite fickle. For example: Last week we had a day get up to approximately 60 degrees or more then it promptly snowed that night and was expected to get down to 19 degrees this weekend. It will alternately ice storm, hail , and then be warm enough to wear short sleeves for approximately 2 hours. There was something even called a particle warning recently which can aggravate some people's respiratory conditions (think bronchitis..ahem).
Last week during one of these insane days, the warm one in fact, may have been Thursday... I was suddenly struck by a nostaligic and tender desire to go play catch and flys with my buddies Rachael and Ryan Davis and other college friends like we used to do in Greenville during the springtime in Patriot's Park. Also I remember playing cricket (or as near as you can get with only 2 people and no wickets or a Chesterfield sofa playing a Houdini act in the middle of the Cup ground in England***kudos to you and a special prize if you can name the book that comes from...leave a comment****) with my friend Kristian Kauffman at Patriot's Park while he dreamed of leaving Greenville to just drop in on the 2 day test match in Barbados while I rubbed my hands and grimaced swearing under my breath about the rock masquerading as a ball wrapped in leather (kudos to Diggory and Matt for a brave try this summer....ah the fickle English rain). I also had the sudden inane desire to clean something: my room, the car, something...while I had energy and motivation. Unfortunately that desire did not become a realization and I ended up watching tv instead. Ah well. It's not quite spring yet, but the spring fever strikes early.
Also as of late I've been trying to play "Riverdance". I've been taking a course through the community classes at IUPUI
Is she crazy? No, just grabbing life by the horns as it were. I already do Israeli dance so I just bridged the gap to a more, um, demanding physical activity. It's quite fun! And for those of you who cannot picture dear old An bouncing up and down in imitation of a female Michael Flaherty you shall remain nameless (Christina) and only know that indeed I am bouncing around wearing dance sneakers (thanks for the tip Sarah Holiday!) but not ready to invest in ghillies or Irish Hard shoe until I'm sure I'm ready to stick with it for a bit. I am a far cry from even the little kids starting out in competitive dancing but I sure do enjoy knowing that I am exercising for a change. It's not like I'm going to be dancingin any feisanna soon. Who knows though when I may end up in Ireland ready to dance a caelie or some trebles. Even AMF is getting into the picture and does cardiokickboxing on Monday nights with her group from work. So,
as as certain shoe company once said. "Just do it already Meathead!"
Well ok I said that with all apologies to Archie Bunker.
Enjoy spring fever, fall into it's embrace...hit a ball,have a picnic with your sweetie, meet your sweetie, polish your shoes or dust your collection of matchbox cars for all I care. Just do something to enjoy the insanity of the coming spring before the allergens are out in full force. God bless Claritin (tm)!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

a cute bronchitis

I was sent home from work today. Am I a rebel? Did I break the dresscode? No, I have ,according to the doctor, a cute bronchitis.
Oh an how cute it is. The adorable cough that people on the other end of someone else's phone could hear. And the fuzzy wuzzy statement of "I'm sending you home get some rest". Not terribly cute to me. However, the chance to rest is welcome. I am on antibiotics.
Lately I have been adding "paper mario" to my list of video games I am playing.
I like Donato's Pizza.
Have a nice day.