Saturday, December 13, 2008

vow of silence

I feel like throwing up. I am so sick of what I say being taken the wrong way.
Things that sound perfectly innocuous to me are really taken as darts or whatever
I can't take much more of this. And this time with people I don't even know. After having doubts about whether I would be able to fit in overseas in an expat community teaching english or with the other english teachers. What if they like to party or aren't geeky and weird like me? I don't want to have people being nice to me out of sympathy or just leaving me out, I want to be able to get along, to make friends who like me for me when I go. I can't stand this anymore everyone do you HEAR ME I CAN"T STAND IT. NO MORE. Everything I say comes out wrong. Everything I do is seen another way. There is NO MORE.
I am ready to take a fucking vow of permanent silence.
Problem is I know I wouldn't be able to keep it.
fucking damn my brain, my adhd, and everything else.
I hate myself right now.
Fucking dammit.

follow up to DHMO

and for any of you who have forgotten your high school chemistry and thought about actually writing to your congressman...don't
DHMO Di Hydro MOno Oxide is water.

take action now!

Let me know what you are doing to prevent the spread of this terrible substance!
"This is no joke but a call to *BAN* dihydrogen monoxide, otherwise know as the invisible, killer substance. Jupiter Scientific's science joke webpage is probably not the place to post this protest, but the JS staff feels very strongly about this issue. For your information, dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO in its liquid form, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes tissue damage and contact with its gaseous form causes burns. DHMO use is widespread. For those who have become dependent on it, DHMO withdrawal means death. DHMO can be an environmental hazard: it is a major component of acid rain, contributes to the "greenhouse effect", leads to the erosion of natural landscapes and hastens the corrosion of most metals. Being so prevalent (quantities are found in every stream, lake and reservoir), DHMO contamination is at epidemic proportions. Despite the dangers, DHMO is often used as an industrial solvent, as a fire retardant, in nuclear power plants and (can you believe this) in certain food products. Companies dump waste dihydrogen monoxide into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. STOP THE HORROR NOW! The American government and the United Nations have refused to ban the production, distribution or use of this chemical due to its "economic importance." The navy and certain other military organizations are highly dependent on DHMO for various purposes. Military facilities receive tons of it through a sophisticated underground distribution network. It is also stored in large quantities for military emergencies. BUT IT'S NOT TOO LATE! You can help. Act *NOW* to prevent further contamination. Write your representatives. Start and sign petitions. Send e-mails. Inform your friends about the dangers. What you don't know *CAN* hurt you and every individual throughout the world."