Saturday, September 20, 2008


I was getting creative with the merge function in my photoshop program. If you can guess who the images are let me know.


Friday, September 19, 2008

becoming falsereal

I think I am about to become something I'm not
Does that make me fake
or does it mean I will become that which I should

We are all becoming and changing
therefore are we really not being what
we aren't?
or are we.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

biting the bullet

I bit the bullet and after panicking paid 328.50 for my independent jewelry study for Jewelry III. I still haven't heard from the prof of the previous sales class if I can still turn in my paper. Can someone shoot me with valium. please.
I hate budgeting for myself it gets overwhelming because there is worry attached to it. I tell you what if anyone out there wants me to do their budget for them and they are willing to do mine consulting together I think we have a winning idea.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I can't stand it anymore
but I have to. If I leave I'll be 'selfish and self centered' and leaving people in the lurch when we all promised not to do that to each other.
I'm a 'liar' and a 'fucking asshole' and 'selfish and self centered' and I 'run this place just look around (perhaps in reference to the fact that I own things that are in our house?!). It was admitted to me that I can't make this person happy and they don't like me. I can't make them happy no matter what I do because I AM me and only me.
me, I.
what else am I suppose to be they?
I'm stuck.
and I'm drowning.
and often feel like I'm dying of someone's malice at their whim.
can't let them into my mental space. ignore them. ok.
perhaps it would be better if they didn't have to deal with me.
if no one had to.
i'll go live in the fucking northwoods that suit?
I take myself with myself wherever I go.
It is a constraint I must live with.
When someone is repeatedly talking about cat poo and I ask them to please stop because it's getting gross and then I am told 'then walk away' while i'm in the midst of doing something ....this person is acting 3.
I'm so tired of this.