Monday, January 07, 2008

Is it a conspiracy?!!!

This is just getting more and more bizarre. The day that my fish George died one of my favorite clients that I used to work with in direct care last year died. The night before his funeral, the clown fish (see previous post) died. Yesterday night one of my green chromises was beat to death by the damselfish who is turning out to be a bully...and I found out that my favorite client, V. (for privacy) had died Saturday of a heart attack. This woman was not only a client. She was a fellow sister in Christ and I considered her a friend.
Maybe I should stop buying fish.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


mean people suck.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

In Memoriam

I've had my salt water tank a whole 2 or 3 weeks now (there is some time warp in this house no one remembers for sure). The first fish I got was George he died same day I got him from stress. I got a yellow tail damsel fish who is thriving...maybe
last week I got a clownfish that I loved dearly. He was geting weird cottony white stuff on him. Probably Marine Ich. I was worried about him so I had my tank mentor who has been saltwater aquaristing for 5 years go up and take a look at him. While I was down with my roommate talking and trying to figure out why he didn't come down I went up and asked him what was wrong. The clown fish was dead on the bottom of the tank. Face it there are more depressing things in life, but a dead clown fish in the midst of a pms induced post holiday depression... is.....very depressing. Once again I spiraled into sobs and once again I have to work my way through losing yet another fish. Establishing an ecosystem is so fun. How does God do it. Once again I am reminded that He is God and I am not. sigh.