Sunday, July 31, 2005


It is funny how it can take a cat to remind of certain things in life. I got a tri-color calico kitten this week and named her Shifra. Shifra is hebrew for "grace and beauty". It describes my little friend well. She is both beautiful and graceful (thinking wincingly of the cat learning to jump off the bed and falling off while chasing toys....and running her head into the wall then getting stuck headfirst between the wall and the bed crack. She got herself righted but it was funny). The cats I grew up with lived to be 18 and 19 years old. I haven't had kittens since and I've missed them. Their playfulness, their stubborness, and their ability to just cuddle up to you and love you. Science says that petting animals dogs and cats, can lower blood pressure and make you happier. I have to agree with that. I have just wanted to love on Shifra ever since I got her. She is a blessing and makes me remember not to take myself so seriously. Gives me small things to laugh about constantly.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

...where are you?

"Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani?"

Thursday, July 07, 2005

shock interrupts the rebuttal

I just found out London was bombed.

3 subways and a double-decker bus. People hurt and killed. Many people.
I am shocked and horrified. London? I never, in this lifetime, thought I would live to see something like this. London of the cosmopolitan life. London...where I was last summer and rode those subways in perfect safety but for worrying about muggers or strange looking types in the station. Even then.

Still safe.

What a wicked world we've come too and I've been as much a part of it as the next.
We need His redemption and His peace.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Liturgy of the Mind: The Lonely Proposition

It's a lonely proposition.

When these know what your besetting sin has been.

It's a lonely proposition.

To wonder who else knows and to wander in paranoia during interactions with these people.

It's a lonely proposition.

To wonder who will accept you and reject you based on this even after being forgiven by God.

It's a lonely proposition.

When Hashatan proposes lies that you are not fit for any sort of ministry especially not this kind or that kind (perish the thought) or in your own house of worship.

Just because of the lonely proposition.

Rebuttal to follow.