Saturday, March 28, 2009

even then

Hold on to what is good,
Even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

-A Pueblo Indian Prayer

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Clock Day

I suppose this is worthy of clock day and how nature always knows better than man in many ways.

This morning I wake up. The cat is already moving around stretches and I'm like no way she can't be hungry already. I ignore the plaintive little pitiful mew as the cat sits on the bedrail. I look at the clock on my phone, 6:33 am, holy wtf?! It's only 6:30 you don't bother me until 7:30am or so usually, sometimes she is different. So I login to the computer and it says.... 7:45. Ok. clockday.

So immortalized in bandwidth for all to read.

Happy Clock Day.
Happy Curse the Cat's Stomach Day?
oh happy day

Bless the Lord oh My SOUL, and all that is within you Bless his HOLY NAME!
Psalm 103

Monday, March 02, 2009

what it feels like sometimes

ADHD: this is what it feels like a lot of the time

You don't want people bossing you but you want direction.