What happens when two crazy people IM poetry together line by line.
quillscroll (11:10:28 PM): writing poetry with aric...line by line
quillscroll (11:10:38 PM): ---poem 1---
quillscroll (11:10:46 PM): Wine or thee....why not both?
unreceivedpacket (11:10:59 PM): Was whoever went westward a wayfarer?
quillscroll (11:11:29 PM): Aye and that wayfarer a stranger be...now wine or thee...why not both.
unreceivedpacket (11:12:04 PM): Both, whiles wells drip erstwhile with blood and water.
quillscroll (11:12:43 PM): Ah! Says I as we quaff...thee and I on wine! A death a pois'ned water well.
unreceivedpacket (11:13:01 PM): A treacle well, maybe
quillscroll (11:13:48 PM): Aye and yon wayfarer...yet a stranger galumping west a pace a pace...as we tip sy the wine thee and I....was it he?
unreceivedpacket (11:14:23 PM): He left for left, and went south this summer.
quillscroll (11:15:00 PM): Did he have some wine some wine? Did he tip his glass and say Aye.....tonight is a good day for some of this treacle well to die?
unreceivedpacket (11:15:20 PM): Nein!
quillscroll (11:18:48 PM): Nein! So...I say...thee and I let us drink some more...oh wait...no more wine. Hic
quillscroll (11:18:54 PM):
Indeed. Good times. Good times.