Monday, November 13, 2006

What I love about you

It's an interesting thing I have been thinking of lately. We complain so much about people we love... Mind you I'm not saying we should see them through rosy colored glasses. There is a difference. And I'm not saying we won't tick off or be ticked off by said people. What would happen if the complaints that generate rifts were turned into praise....I mean really seeing the lovely and beautiful and wonderful things about the people we care for deeply. How would that change the way we treat them? And so for experimental purposes I submit my own boyfriend Matt. Hey maybe I should do this for myself given how mean I am to myself.
Matt is an extraordinarily intelligent and reflective man. I know I can talk about all kinds of things with him from fringe science and physics, religion, food, books, art, whatever. It's likely he may know something about it. If he doesn't he listens to me talk about it. Matt also is blessed with an incredible design eye. He is my partner in Two Sisters Designs, in both making and desiging the jewelry. Matt listens. I can have a conversation with him when I am upset without needing to be afraid of being judged. Matt doesn't settle for second best, he is very particular that things be done well and be done right. Matt is thrifty and knows how to fix what he has and take care of the things he has. He is very handy at saving money by fixing things so we don't have to go buy new ones and is incredibly inventive! I love Matt!


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